Natural ways used to induce Labor by Midwife's A certified nurse Midwives operating in a hospital with an obstetrician will use medically minded induction ways. However a licensed nurse midwife, authorized nurse, or lay midwife attends births at a separate birth Center or in homes can have a special outlook on induction . Evening Primrose Oil A midwife may suggest evening primrose oil in late gestation to assist a female body and prepare for Labor. This can be taken orally and inserted vaginally, next to the cervix. Whereas evening primrose oil won't begin contractions or induce Labor, it will facilitate the cervix ripen, soften and dilate. This could facilitate to speed spontaneous Labor or help an induction proceed more smoothly. Castor Oils Castor oil is commonly used to encourage Labor. Once taken orally, it works by stimulating the enteric tract, and thus stimulating the female internal reproductive organ through sympathetic contractions. Because it prima...